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Storing Tea and Coffee: Is There Anything You Don’t Know?

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
Storing Tea and Coffee: Is There Anything You Don’t Know? Photo 1

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Proper storage of products is a crucial issue when it comes to preserving their condition, quality, taste, and aroma. This is especially true when it comes to storing coffee and tea because these products are more subjected to soaking versatile scents in the process of storage. While some people believe that it is impossible to spoil these products, this is not really so! Tea, as well as coffee, should be stored individually, with regard to specific rules and storage requirements. Let us find out now, what issues should be taken into account when you decide to keep tea and coffee in your kitchen.

Storing Tea: What Are the Rules?

Tea is, probably, one of the most popular products millions of people across the globe drink every day. If you like this drink as well, keep in mind the following storage rules:

  • Do not store tea in places with a high humidity level
  • Tea soaks versatile scents pretty well, so do not store it next to the products that have a sharp and distinct aroma. These include garlic, spices, herbs, vinegar etc.
  • Keep the tea away from the oven, soap and alcoholic beverages
  • Tea does not like heat and cold, so keep it in warm and spacious places
  • Try not to buy tea in advance. Instead, buy as much tea as you will drink during a month. Otherwise, its aroma will evaporate or it may be spoiled
  • Keep the tea in closed packages, preferably in those made of natural materials.

What About Coffee?

It goes without saying that people like coffee as much as they love tea. No wonder, they would like to learn how to store the product correctly. If you are not an exception, keep in mind the following coffee storage rules:

  • Coffee does not “like” air, because its grains lose their taste and aroma. This means that you should keep the product in special packages made of foil.
  • Having opened the foil package, try to keep it closed when you don’t use it. Otherwise, the taste properties of the product will not meet your needs. As soon as you open the package, it is recommended to use it during 7-10 days.
  • Keep coffee away from sunlight. Dark glass jars with lids are the best choice for this purpose.
  • Specialists recommend storing coffee in grains in a fridge. It is cold and warm there and this is exactly what coffee likes.
  • Just like tea, coffee soaks versatile scents pretty well, so try to keep it away from other products.

These are the major recommendations of the experts that will help improve the qualities of your favorite tea and coffee products. Hopefully, they will come in handy to you! 

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