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Easy and Healthy Gogi Berry Dishes

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
Easy and Healthy Gogi Berry Dishes Photo 1

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If you take care of your health and wish to find out more healthy recipes to be strong and fit, then you have certainly heard a lot about Gogi berries. They are really gaining popularity these days due to the high content of nutrients, microelements, and vitamins that do not only have a positive effect on human health but are also associated with effective weight loss. Whether you are concerned with the issue of losing extra kilos or just wish to stay healthy and fit, Gogi berries are right what you need!

How to Use Gogi Berries

Some people use Gogi berries dried or fresh depending upon their needs and objectives they pursue. Others, however, cook healthy drinks, teas and cocktails on the basis of these ingredient. At the same time, Gogi berries can become a major component of a variety of healthy and simple dishes. Some of them are provided below.

Gogi Smoothie

The ingredients of this smoothie are very simple. It contains one banana, 5 strawberries, 3 tablespoons of Gogi berries and 200-250 ml of kefir or yoghurt. To cook the smoothie, it is required to soak the berries the hot boiling water around 30 minutes before cooking the smoothie, peel the banana and cut the fruit. Then blend the ingredients during 1-1.5 minutes and… enjoy the drink! This is a nice smoothie to be drunk between the meals to get the required amount of vitamins for the whole day.

Stewed Chicken Fillet with Gogi Berries

This tasty dish is comprised of Gogi berries, chicken fillet, one carrot, an onion, oil, water and spices. To cook it, you just have to cut the fillet into small pieces, peel and grate the carrot, chop an onion and fry these ingredients on the frying pan. Then add one tablespoon of Gogi berries, cover the frying pan with the lid and stew until the dish it ready. Simple, healthy and nutritious!

Gogi Salad

This dish is distinguished by great aroma and unusual taste. You can taste the salad yourself or treat your family members with it. The salad consists of kiwi, apple, banana, Gogi berries, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and yoghurt. Mill the nuts, peel and cut the fruits and mix all the ingredients. If the salad tastes too sweet, add a few drops of lemon juice.

These are only a few dishes you can cook with Gogi berries, but you can also add them to the cereals and other dishes you like. Enjoy and stay healthy! 

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