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What is the Benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
What is the Benefit of Apple Cider Vinegar? Photo 1

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If you are longing for looking great and don't spend much money on this, here is a super tool to make this dream come true. Apple cider vinegar is the very tool, which was approved by years of using. You may buy it in any store or, better, make it at home, thus the effect would be much better.

In apple cider vinegar one will find 20 absolutely healthy and useful minerals and microelements, such as (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, silicon, fluorine and so forth), organic acids such as citric acid, lactic acid and acetic acid, enzymes and amino acids, also vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, P, provitamin beta-carotene.

It is established that apple cider vinegar is able to rejuvenate the whole body and make immunity strong, it splits fats and reduces the appetite, so again, this is one more tool for a successful weight loss.


Apple cider vinegar is added to face packs to provide it with bleaching properties that help to lighten the skin tone. To make this face pack at home, prepare a cucumber, one tablespoon of fat cream and one teaspoon of apple vinegar. Grate cucumber, add cream and vinegar, mix, spread over the face and keep during 15 minutes.

To get rid of freckles use apple cider vinegar and make this: take an apple and grate it, add one yolk, three tablespoons of vegetable oil and three tablespoons of apple vinegar. Clean your face with this mixture, or use this one - sour milk plus several drops of apple cider vinegar, both variants work.

One more benefit - apple cider vinegar is a great treatment for hair, just mix one cup of clean water with 1/3 cup of cider vinegar. Shampoo your hair and rinse it well, make sure there is no residual shampoo in your hair, then use the vinegar mix, wear a shower cap and leave for 5 minutes. Again rinse the hair, the smell will go away as soon as your hair begins to dry.

It is able to bring back the beauty and health of your hair.

Apple cider vinegar is helpful in the fight against cellulite, so mix one cup of cold water and two tablespoons of cider vinegar, massage the body, especially problem areas. This procedure makes body elastic and prevents aesthetic defects.

Use this cider vinegar as a dietary supplement. To get rid of chronic fatigue, intake two tablespoons of honey with vinegar and daily, one cup of warm water mixed with one teaspoon of honey and cider vinegar.

To get a maximum successful effect, choose unrefined apple cider vinegar, which you can make by your own. The refined cider vinegar you can buy in every supermarket but its effect won't be such brilliant.


Take apples (choose the quantity by yourself), cut in quarters, leave them at room temperature until they turn brown. Place the apples in a glass jar and pour water, so it must cover the apples, cover the jar with cheesecloth and place the jar in a warm, dark place.

Leave it for six months, stirring once a week, at the end of the fermentation period filter the liquid through the cheesecloth into another wide-mouth glass jar. Cover the new jar of liquid with the same cheesecloth, let it stand in a warm, dark place for another 4 - 6 weeks. Then transfer into a smaller container, if you wish and store covered in a fridge.

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