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Smart Snacks for Weight Loss

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
Smart Snacks for Weight Loss Photo 1

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Most experts insist that a snack is a chance to fill your body with fuel between meals. Sounds good, in other words, you may say that this is actually a great opportunity to fill your body with energy, which will prevent you from overeating next meal. Still, most people can't get any benefit from a snack. It happens because some eat a snack out of a habit or boredom but not because they are hungry.

See, a snack might become a real problem for you. You can easily gain weight if you won't choose smart snacks for weight loss. Besides, if you have a habit to eat snacks, just change it for another habit, like having a walk.

Choose substantial and nutritious snack, it means vegetables, different fruits, some nuts, and juices. Make your snack a deep well of low-calorie foods and lose weight with pleasure.

Snack Ideas

Some think that healthy foods for weight loss are obviously not tasty and not attractive. It is wrong. Most foods for weight loss and those out of which you can make your snack are really tasty, fresh and flavored.
Before you'll view some of the snack variants, you must remember that a snack must be small, it is just like a little break before a long hard way, so it must be light but substantial. Don't take a risk to intake too many calories while having a snack.


Fruit is a great source of vitamins. Combine it with other products like cheese, nuts or peanut butter. For example, cut an apple in two and sprinkle over walnuts, add honey if you like sweet. Serve sliced apples and pears with crackers and cheese. Mix law calorie yogurt with sliced strawberry or blueberries, add chopped walnuts.

Raw Vegetables

Prepare vegetables at home or buy them already prepared. Cucumber, carrot, lettuce, cauliflower are excellent veggies for weight loss snack. Dip vegetables in law calorie sauce or dressing and enjoy your meal.


All of the nuts are full of energy and of all the necessary vitamins and also full of fat but healthy fat. If you choose nuts for a snack, remember to eat them in a moderate. One handful of nuts is your single serving.

Rice Cakes

They are low in calorie, so you may combine them with peanut butter, cottage cheese or yogurt. Choose your best combination. Again, remember to eat them in the moderate.


Prepare healthy and law calorie cereals at home, like oatmeal, which you can serve with banana slices or berries. Add honey and almond milk.


Salads made of lettuce, broccoli, carrot or spinach leaves, and tomato slices, that is what you need to feel your body with fuel. Add one-quarter cup shredded cheese and one tablespoon of your favorite dressing.


Choose smoothies, juices with fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't forget about water, this is, actually, the best beverage for weight loss.

If you want something spicy, like chocolate, chips or your favorite cookies, remember that you are allowed to do this but only once a day and control your portions, don't spoil your diet.

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