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Italian Food for Weight Loss

Julia Shapoval Photo
Updated: Mar. 07, 2019
Italian Food for Weight Loss Photo 1

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Weight loss is one of the most popular subjects for all people. Those who have problems with weight, ready to do almost anything to burn calories. Diet and workout are useful in this case. Diet composes the main part of the weight loss program, it is really helpful and, choosing the right foods and ingredients for different meals, you may not only slim down but even improve your health.

Italian cuisine is so colorful and rich, it was developed over the centuries, and now it is popular all over the world. Most know it because of the pasta and pizza, risotto, tramezzini. You may be surprised but you don't have to avoid Italian dishes when you are keeping diet, some of its meals do high in calorie and fat but there are plenty of those dishes and ingredients, which may become a best friend to your weight loss program.

You must learn how to enjoy Italian dishes without gaining weight, it doesn't matter either you cook it at home or order in a restaurant. The most important thing to keep yourself far from high in calorie favorite dishes, such as a creamy risotto, for example. It tastes good but it has loads of calories, which is bad for your health and weight loss, so you may have it only occasionally.

You don't know what to do? Here is the key, fill your Italian courses with ingredients that are loaded with protein and healthy vegetables. For example, Grilled Eggplant (Sicilian Style) is provided with protein, Italian bread itself is high in protein, like 8.8 grams of protein per 100g, thus it is higher in protein than other baked foods.

Searching this question, you'll find different varieties and combinations of Italian foods and ingredients, which may help you to enjoy the dish and slim down but you need to keep some tips, which will help you with self-controlling and prevent you from overeating and weight gaining.

Several Tips According to Italian Dish Cooking and Intaking

You must understand that even high in protein dishes may contain other ingredients, which can't help your diet, cause they are fat and high in calories. The best option for you is not getting relaxed but keep moving and be active before and after the meal. Have a stroll through the nearest park after a nice meal or before to make it (meal) more friendly for your body.

Use less sauce, of course, they add flavor and moisture but they are full of fat and excess calories, as well as a marinade, so your mood may be seriously spoiled after such a dinner.

The white of egg may really be a nice discovery for you, in this case, the experiment in different ways, it is low in fat, choose those recipes, which consist mostly of egg whites and then other ingredients.

Start with a salad, it is tricky, cause eating it, you feel full, because of the greens, so you will not overeat the second meal or even will eat only half of it.

Italian dishes are served family-style, that means each dish is meant to be shared, so please, try to control portions or better fill your plate only once, mostly with vegetables and greens, don't be in a hurry, eat slowly and enjoy.

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