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Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Schoolchildren

William Davis Photo
Updated: Oct. 08, 2018
Healthy Breakfast Ideas for Schoolchildren Photo 1

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Do you feed your child before school? What do you give him/her for breakfast? Are these meals healthy and nutritious? If you have any doubts regarding this issue, then you should definitely spend some time reading the article to find out the recommendations on a healthy breakfast you should cook for your kid before school every day.

As far as any morning is filled with the hassle and lack of time when the whole family gets ready for school and job, it seems not easy to cook nutritious and healthy meals for your children. Meanwhile, this issue is very important, because the health, wellbeing and academic success of your kid depends a lot upon the nutrition.

A healthy breakfast should be not only nutritious, healthy, but fast and energetic as well. It is recommended that it should be warm, because warm meals are digested better than cold sandwiches, for example. Keep in mind that it very important to cook breakfast dishes rich in glucose to boost a child’s energy and intellectual abilities. Safe products are fresh fruit, vegetables, berries, dried fruit, nuts etc. You can add these products to different types of porridge, the leading position in which belongs to the oatmeal, of course.

As far as a child is overloaded with tons of new information every day, his/her ration should contain enough vitamin B, which contributes to the ability to suppress stress and concentrate the attention of a child on essential educational nuances. Vitamins of this group are contained in cereals, carrot, beetroot, buckwheat, rice. And, of course, add a piece of butter to the porridge. Such breakfast is the best solution for the whole day.

What if your kid does not like porridge for breakfast? A nice idea is to cook an omelet with vegetables or other egg dishes. This does not take much time, but the nutritional value of such breakfast will be high. Dishes cooked of cottage cheese will suit the occasion ideally as well. Combine them with milk, fruit, berry cocktail or smoothie or fresh juice and the breakfast will be fantastic!

Speaking about sandwiches, it is not desirable to cook them for breakfast. You will spend almost the same amount of time cooking them, but their nutritional value will leave much to be desired! So, now you know the available choices and it is up to you to decide, which one to go for every day!

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