Curd Pudding is a very simple, rich and health-giving dish. These are the main reasons why you should cook it. And it is very tasty,actually! This is a classical dessert and even if you not much of a cook you must know it. So,let us start!
- curd: 500 g
- egg: 2 piece
- semolina: 200 g
- sugar: 100 g
- butter: 50 g
Metric Conversion
Stages of cooking
Part the white of egg from yolk.
Take 50 g of sugar and beat it with yolk until it becomes smooth.
Now add curd in and beat everything again. It would be more easy using smooth curd,of course, but it\'s up to you!
Another step - add butter and beat it again.
Now put in semolina and again beat. Then leave it for half an hour at room temperature for swelling.
Take another bowl and beat white of egg with 50 g of sugar
Than add it to dough and stir everything gently.
Ok,now take a cake tin and spread the dough. But beforehand butter your cake tin.Bake in the pre-heated to 180 C (350 F) degrees oven for about 30-35 minutes. After this, take curd pudding away from the oven and cover it with tea-towel. Leave it for 20-30 minutes, let it get cool. Now you are ready to serve it. Help yourself and don\'t forget to call your friends!