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Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma


30 min

Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma

Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 1


30 min


3 persons




4.00★ (1)

Author: Monica Feluchi

Do you believe that potato pie with garlic aroma can be a vegetarian dish? Look at the ingredients it involves and make sure yourself! The dish belongs to the Italian cuisine and is very delicious and unusual! Take your time to cook it right away!


  • potato: 6 piece
  • parsley: 0.5 bunch
  • olive oil: 4 Tbsp
  • garlic: 4 clove
  • salt: 0.5 tsp
  • black pepper: 1 pinch

Metric Conversion

Stages of cooking

Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 2 1
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Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 8 7
  1. Put potatoes into cold water, wait until the water boils, add salt and boil potatoes in their skins for about 20-25 minutes. Then rinse the potatoes with cold water.


    Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 2
  2. Peel the potatoes and mash them with a fork. 

    Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 3
  3. Wash the parsley and dry it with paper towels. Chop it well and add to the potatoes with salt and black pepper.


    Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 4
  4. Warm 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the frying pan, fry the garlic until it becomes golden and gives its aroma to the oil. Then take the garlic away from the frying pan.  

    Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 5
  5. Spread the potato mass across the bottom of the frying pan to give it a pie-shaped look.

    Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 6
  6. Fry for about 5-10 minutes on each side. Pour the rest of olive oil when turning the pie onto another side. You can use another plate to turn the pie easier.


    Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 7
  7. Serve the potato pie with garlic aroma hot! Enjoy the dish!

    Potato Pie with Garlic Aroma Photo 8

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