15 min
4 persons
Delicious and soft almond sweets with coffee and orange flavor.
- almond: 130 g
- orange: 50 g
- sugar: 50 g
- instant coffee: 0.5 tsp
Metric Conversion
Stages of cooking
Orange (you need a little less than a quarter of a small orange) cut into thin small pieces, along with the peel.
Put the whole almond (130 g) in a combine or chopper.
Grind, then set aside 30 g separately for dusting. For the rest of the almonds, pour in the sugar and grind it again thoroughly.
Instant coffee pre-pour 2 tsp. hot water, mix thoroughly.
Add orange and coffe to the chopper, continue to grind. -
Grind until the mass is smooth, the sugar will not crunch, and the mass will take a pasty thick consistency.
As a result, you will get such a delicious and soft marzipan paste. To make candies easier to mold, it is better to cool the mass in the refrigerator or in the freezer.
Next form a candy and roll each in a pre-shelved nuts.
You may decorate the candy with peeled almonds.