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Zucchini Chip Nachos


10 min

Zucchini Chip Nachos

Zucchini Chip Nachos Photo 1


10 min


2 persons




4.00★ (1)


Author: Victoria Buriak
Try something different with that zucchini in your crisper by turning it into nachos. After all, why should tortilla chips have all the fun? Top with salsa, if desired.


  • zucchini: 1 piece (sliced)
  • cooking spray:
  • taco seasoning mix: 1 pack (1 ounce pack)
  • black olives: 2 Tbsp (sliced)
  • red onion: 2 Tbsp (chopped)
  • slices pickled jalapeno pepper: 8 piece
  • cheddar cheese: 1 cup (shredded)

Metric Conversion

Stages of cooking

Zucchini Chip Nachos Photo 21
Zucchini Chip Nachos Photo 32
Zucchini Chip Nachos Photo 43
  1. Trim ends of zucchini; use a mandoline on the thinnest setting to cut zucchini into 1/8-inch slices. Place slices on a plate lined with paper towels, top with additional paper towels, and press down to remove excess moisture.
    Zucchini Chip Nachos Photo 2
  2. Place zucchini slices on a cutting board and lightly mist with cooking spray. Turn slices over and sprinkle with taco seasoning; lightly mist this side with cooking spray as well. Place slices seasoned-side up on a microwave-safe plate, making sure none are overlapping. Cook in the microwave on high power for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Carefully flip slices over and cook 30 seconds more. Repeat with remaining zucchini.
    Zucchini Chip Nachos Photo 3
  3. Divide chips between 2 microwave-safe plates. Add black olives, red onion, jalapeno peppers, and Cheddar cheese. Microwave on high power until cheese is melted, about 30 seconds.
    Zucchini Chip Nachos Photo 4

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