Egg Dishes RecipesAppetizers RecipesSandwich RecipesEgg appetizerSnacks RecipesVegetarian RecipesTime
15 min
2 persons
Whole grain toast, mashed avocado and tender scrambled eggs - such a breakfast won't leave anyone indifferent. If the usual oatmeal in the morning has already bored you, and you want to vary your breakfast , then our today's recipe is for you.
- egg: 3 piece
- bread slices: 4 piece
- butter: 10 g
- sour cream: 20 g
- salt: 1 tsp
- black pepper: 1 pinch
- avocado: 1 piece
- lemon juice: 1 Tbsp
- olive oil: 30 ml
Metric Conversion
Stages of cooking
Prepare scrambled eggs: break eggs into a bowl, add sour cream. Salt and pepper, stir with a fork or whisk until smooth.
Heat the frying pan well with the butter, pour out the egg mass and cook, stirring for 2-3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat while the eggs are still tender. It is important not to overdo the scrambled eggs in the pan, otherwise it will become dry and tasteless.
For avocado puree: cut the avocado in half, peel and seed. Cut the pulp into pieces, put it in the bowl of the blender, pour in olive oil and lemon juice, salt, pepper and prepare the puree.
Dry pieces of bread in a toaster. Put mashed avocado on toast and egg mass on it. Bon appetit!