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mutton queen apple crock pot


420 min

Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot

Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 1


420 min


6 persons




4.00★ (1)

Author: Monica Feluchi

This unusual dish will become a superb addition to your festive table. Aromatic and delicious, mutton with Queen apple will give your dinner a delightful and unforgettable taste! 


  • mutton: 700 g
  • Queen apple: 1 piece
  • carrots: 1 piece
  • onion: 1 piece
  • salt: 1 pinch
  • Khmeli-suneli: 1 tsp (can be replaced with other spices)

Metric Conversion

Stages of cooking

Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 2 1
Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 3 2
Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 4 3
Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 5 4
Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 6 5
  1. Take a piece of mutton, wash it thoroughly under warm water and dry using paper towels. Then chafe with salt and Khmeli-suneli (or any other spices you prefer)

    Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 2
  2. Peel and cut onion, carrots and queen apple into large pieces

    Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 3
  3. Put all the vegetables into the crock pot

    Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 4
  4. Put the meat on the vegetables

    Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 5
  5. Stew at MEDIUM regime for 7-8 hours until the meat becomes soft and juice. You will also enjoy the broth with vegetables right from the crock pot! Good luck! 

    Mutton with Queen Apple in a Crock Pot Photo 6

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